Yesterday I went for my follow up visit and met with the transplant team at IU Hospital in Indy. They informed me that I have two options (neither seem to be great choices).
Option 1: Do the transplant of the pancreas, liver and have my spleen removed. With this option I run the risk of complications of a transplant, the cancer could come back or spread. I will take an immunosuppressant so that my body does not attack my new organs. However taking an immunosuppressant could also cause cancer to spread. The Dr.s informed me that I could take my time in deciding, but if I wait too long I run the risk of it spreading. If it spreads I was told I could no longer have a transplant. Another possibility is they get in me and have to also transplant my stomach and part of my small intestine. All these organs are connected and depending what they see or find when they get in there this could happen. They will have all these organs on hand when they do the transplant just in case. With this option they can't tell me how long I'll live because they've only done 15 of these transplants. All have had complications from the transplant and the only one they told us about that was still living has been alive for 7 years.
Option 2: Do not have the transplant and just have more radiation to my liver. With this option I could have additional damage done to my liver which could cause problems or death. Inevitably I've been told the cancer will eventually spread and I would eventually succumb to the cancer and pass away.
We asked the Dr.s which is the better option, which could I live the longest with and they couldn't tell me. They can't say I'll live longer with one over the other. This is all so rare they have no statistics to go on. Making a decision that affects my mortality is a hard choice to swallow. I think about my
Husband, my kids, my family and friends. There's just no great choice if one won't necessarily let me live longer than the other. The Dr.s can't tell me if I'll live 5 years, 10 years or longer. They just don't know. I could do the transplant and hope and pray everything goes perfect, but there's just no way of knowing how long the organs will even last if I do it. I could do the radiation and hope for the best, but eventually this will spread.
Were just praying for wisdom and discernment. God already knows what choice we'll make and what my ultimate outcome will be. As much as this all hurts (emotionally) I'll know he has a plan for my life.
How I'm feeling:
Emotionally: I'm hurting. Some days the fear feels crippling, but other times I'm okay. Sometimes I'm mentally exhausted from it all and I just don't want to deal with it.
Physically: I have good days and bad days. Mainly its just nausea that I'm still dealing with. Its really hit or miss when I feel this way. It comes in waves. I have some days where I'm tired, but I'm starting to feel like myself again. My sugars are staying up which is great.
Clarification in case this helps some of you understand: I do not have pancreatic cancer or liver cancer, but I do have cancer in my pancreas and liver. When most people hear of pancreatic cancer they are thinking of pancreatic adenocarcinoma a fast moving cancer that spreads quickly. I have a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor that has spread to my liver. This is a slow moving cancer. It is not curable.
PET scan: apparently the PET scan I had WAS to check for more cancer. The scan showed no cancer anywhere other than my pancreas, liver and a few nearby lymph nodes. Praise God it hasn't gone anywhere else.
My next appointment is this coming Wednesday. I'll meet with my radiation Dr. to discuss if I'll have to do more radiation or not. I'm hoping not, because my sugars are up, but I'll find out at this appointment.