Thursday, December 4, 2014

December Updates

I met with the radiologist about a week ago. He said my radiation he did while I was in the hospital couldn't have gone any better. The 5 specific tumors he did the radioembolization on in my right lobe of my liver were killed and there was no damage to my liver. This was great news to hear. A small victory in this battle I'm fighting and I'll take it!
I plan to treat my left side of my liver at the beginning of January. A date has not been set for this. I still have not decided on a plan of action but if this works as well as my right side. I see it as a preventative of the tumors spreading while I decide.
We received a phone call from the nurse practitioner at the radiologist office shortly after we left. She said they were talking and they think I'm so young to do a transplant because there's no way of knowing how long the organs will last and I may have to get them replaced again after so many years. They want me to meet with another Dr. to discuss the possibility of just removing my pancreas and becoming insulin dependent and just doing radiation on my liver. However the body and liver can only handle so much radiation and I may still need to do a transplant on my liver at some point.
I also am hoping to get my pre-transplant appointments and testing all done before January that way if I decide to go this route all I'll have to do is ask to be put on the list. All the pre-transplant appointments and testing are good for up to a year, not that I should take that long to decide.
With all this being said, I'm collecting my thoughts and compiling questions. I need to call a few offices and make a few appointments before anything can be decided.
Thank you to all who continue to pray for my family and me. We can feel it! I continue to receive thoughtful cards, gifts and meals. I thank you and appreciate the outpouring of love on my family.
I'm looking forward to this Christmas season with my family and friends and an upcoming vacation with Josh and the girls. We have so much going on but we continue to look to the One who is in control and trust in Him.
I came across this scripture today and it speaks volumes to me. I love it!
Psalm 63:2-4 (NIV)
I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.